Monday, February 14, 2011

my weekly photo winners

Connor wants a kiss on his neck...

I don't know what they're doing either but apparently I need to "talk to the hand"

this is a terrible quality pic but I LOVE the naughtiness :)

Organising - do you use shoe holders to organise?

these are just 4 of the CDs stolen from my car on Tuesday - yes, I was very cross. Those are my favourite worship ones on the bottom. These are just the cases.

this sight never fails to cheer me up

my word of the year necklace from this etsy store (I have 4 of her things!)

All my "courage" stuff together

Print from artsyville, another etsy store

pretty yoghurt ready for the babies

and then this is my true weekly winner - I love this series of pics of Connor.

He looks like a baby again *sob* and amazing, he was still so none of the shots are blurry!

Have a look at the rest of the weekly winners submissions at Sarcastic Mom - there are absolutely STUNNING pics this week!

1 comment:

  1. Those last two shots are *quite* adorable!

    Aww...I love that David Crowder Band album! What a bummer that someone stole it!!


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